USDA and NRCS personnel collaborate with the staff of the Kent Conservation District to offer both technical expertise and financial support to private landowners. Some of the conservation practices implemented include agricultural chemical containment facilities, stream crossings, grassed waterways, grade stabilization structures, forest conservation, irrigation management plans, and more. These grants channel substantial federal cost-share funding to support local conservation initiatives throughout Kent County.
Land Management Improvements
Technical assistance can encompass both conservation planning and engineering support. Financial aid is available through two key programs: the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP).
EQIP offers financial support for the conservation of working lands. Rather than requiring land to be taken out of production, this program helps landowners enhance or sustain agricultural productivity while conserving natural resources. Assistance is available for a wide range of agricultural operations, including field crops, specialty crops, organic farming, confined livestock, and grazing systems.
CSP is aimed at helping landowners improve upon their current conservation practices by raising the overall sustainability of their operations to a higher conservation standard. Landowners can enter into a 5-year agreement, with the possibility of renewing for an additional 5 years.
Contact Us
CTAI Soil Conservationist, Katie Droscha can be reached Katie.Drosha@macd.org
To learn more or if you have any questions please call 616-222-5846